Telehealth psychology, which refers to the provision of psychological services through digital communication technologies, can be offered through video conferencing or over the phone. An increasingly popular form of therapy both in Australia and worldwide since the start of the pandemic, it offers several benefits to those seeking therapeutic guidance. Here are some benefits of telehealth psychology:

  1. Increased Access: Telehealth psychology can increase access to psychological services, especially for people living in rural or remote areas where there may be a shortage of mental health professionals. It can also help those who have mobility issues or transportation difficulties.
  2. Improved Convenience: Telehealth psychology can be more convenient for clients, as it eliminates the need to travel to a physical location for appointments. This can save time and money and allow people to receive treatment from the comfort of their own homes.
  3. Privacy: It can provide privacy for clients that may be feeling anxious or are housebound for various mental health or physical reasons, giving access to treatment that would otherwise be inaccessible.
  4. More Flexibility: Telehealth psychology can offer more flexibility in scheduling appointments online and can allow for more frequent or shorter sessions, which may be beneficial for some clients. It can also allow for one-off questions if you have specific questions or advice you may be seeking.
  5. Enhanced Treatment Options: Telehealth psychology can offer a wider range of treatment options, including access to specialists or experts who may not be available in a client’s local area. It allows access to psychologists with specialist experience and training not limited by geography.

While online psychologists can provide many benefits, there are also some limitations to this mode of therapy. Here are some of the limitations of telehealth and online psychologists:

  1. Technical issues: Technical issues such as poor internet connection or malfunctioning equipment can disrupt the session and make it difficult to communicate effectively.
  2. Lack of Nonverbal Cues: Online psychologists may miss some nonverbal cues, such as body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice, which can be important in understanding the client’s emotions and state of mind.
  3. Limited personal interaction: Online telehealth psychologists may not have the same level of personal interaction with clients as they would in face-to-face therapy. This can make it more difficult to establish rapport and build trust with clients.
  4. Confidentiality: With the use of technology, despite encryption and best security protocols, there may be risks to confidentiality, particularly if communicating over an unsecured internet connection.
  5. Limited scope of treatment: Some types of treatment may not be appropriate for online telehealth therapy. For example, some forms of therapy, such as exposure therapy, may require in-person sessions or where severe clinical presentations or risks may be present.
  6. Emergency situations: Online psychologists may not be able to respond to emergency situations in the same way as they would in face-to-face therapy.

Online telehealth (video or phone) psychology can be a useful option for some clients, but they may not be suitable for everyone or every situation. It is important to carefully consider the limitations of online therapy and consult with a mental health professional to determine the best treatment option for your needs. Overall, telehealth psychology can be a valuable tool for improving access to mental health services and addressing the mental health needs of Australians.


Adelaide Psychology is a private ‘depth psychology‘ practice offering both in-person office consultations and experienced in offering telehealth psychology via videoconference or phone. If you are looking for an online telehealth psychologist, please contact us to discuss your needs or schedule an appointment online.

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