Synchronicity is a concept introduced by Carl Jung that refers to the occurrence of meaningful coincidences that are not causally related but are connected through their meaning. In psychotherapy, synchronicity can be a powerful tool for facilitating the therapeutic process. This article explores how synchronicity can assist the psychotherapeutic process by enhancing self-awareness, deepening the therapeutic relationship, and providing guidance and insight.

In psychotherapy, self-awareness is essential, and synchronicity can be a helpful tool in enhancing it by bringing to light unconscious material. Clients are encouraged to explore their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours to understand themselves better. Synchronistic events can serve as a mirror, reflecting to the client aspects of themselves that they may have been avoiding or are unaware of. This can catalyse self-reflection and personal growth, leading to positive changes in the client’s life.

For instance, a person with low self-esteem might start observing various instances connected to the idea of self-value. They might stumble upon a book or article discussing this subject or get praised by others. These connected occurrences can trigger the person to delve into their self-worth issues and strive to create a more optimistic self-perception.

The therapeutic relationship is fundamental in psychotherapy, and synchronicity can deepen the relationship between the client and therapist. When synchronistic events happen, the client can feel a connection or resonance with their therapist. This can create a sense of trust and safety, which is crucial for effective psychotherapy. Sharing these events with the therapist can create a sense of collaboration and partnership, empowering the client to take ownership of their healing journey. The therapist’s openness to synchronicity can help build a stronger therapeutic alliance and foster a more meaningful and transformative experience.

For instance, a client facing a challenging choice might encounter a quote or section in a book that deeply connects with them. They could bring this up with their therapist, who can then utilize it as a foundation to delve into the client’s thoughts and emotions regarding the choice. This can foster a collaborative and supportive relationship between the client and therapist, empowering the client.

Synchronicity can offer guidance and insight to clients during the psychotherapeutic process. Synchronistic events can act as a roadmap, illuminating the way towards the client’s goals and aspirations. These events can also provide a window into the client’s unconscious processes, enabling them to understand themselves better. By exploring these events in therapy, clients can gain valuable insights to help them make meaningful life changes. Through the lens of synchronicity, clients can begin to see the interconnectedness of their experiences and gain a greater appreciation for the mystery and meaning of life.

For example, a client struggling with a relationship may find a song or poem that speaks to their situation. This synchronistic event can guide the client, helping them see their situation in a new light and giving them the courage to take action.

In conclusion, synchronicity can be a powerful tool for assisting the psychotherapeutic process. By enhancing self-awareness, deepening the therapeutic relationship, and providing guidance and insight, synchronistic events can help clients to achieve their goals and make meaningful changes in their lives. As therapists, it is important to remain open to the possibility of synchronicity and use it to facilitate the therapeutic process.


Adelaide Psychology, founded by renowned psychologist and bestselling author Milan Ljubincic, is a private ‘depth psychology’ practice that offers client-focused therapy. Appointments can be scheduled in-person at our Adelaide office, or via telehealth online psychology.

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