Trauma is a complex experience that affects people in different ways, and recovery is a process that takes effort and time. The stages of trauma often involve a range of emotional and psychological responses that may vary in duration and intensity. Understanding the different stages of trauma can help individuals better navigate their experiences, seek appropriate support, and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

The Different Phases of Trauma & Recovery

  • Impact phase: The impact phase is the initial stage of trauma and often involves feelings of shock, disbelief, and numbness. During this phase, individuals may experience physical symptoms such as shaking, sweating, and increased heart rate. It’s important for individuals to receive immediate support during this phase to help them feel safe and begin to process their experiences.
  • Disintegration phase: The disintegration phase is characterized by feelings of confusion, fear, anger, and depression. During this phase, individuals may struggle to make sense of their experiences and may feel disconnected from others. It’s common for individuals to experience flashbacks, nightmares, and other intrusive thoughts during this phase. Seeking professional help during this stage is often critical to manage symptoms and prevent further distress.
  • Reorganization phase: The reorganization phase involves individuals learning to cope with their trauma and integrate their experiences into their sense of self. This phase is characterized by a sense of acceptance, self-reflection, and a desire to move forward. During this phase, individuals may seek out support groups or therapy to help them work through their feelings and develop healthy coping mechanisms.
  • Growth phase: The growth phase involves individuals integrating their trauma into their identity and moving forward with a greater sense of resilience and purpose. During this phase, individuals may find new meaning in their experiences and develop a stronger sense of empathy and compassion for others. They may also feel a sense of renewed confidence and personal growth.

Final Thoughts

Recovery from trauma is a complex and individualized process that may not follow a linear path. Some individuals may move through the phases of trauma and recovery more quickly than others, while others may experience setbacks or require ongoing support. Seeking professional help and building a strong support network can help individuals navigate the challenges of trauma in order to move forward with greater resilience and well-being.


Adelaide Psychology adopts a trauma-informed psychology approach that is responsive to the unique needs of the individual. With collaboration, we aim to promote healing and recovery, reduce the risk of re-traumatization, and foster resilience and empowerment in individuals who have experienced trauma. We offer therapy in-person with our psychologist in Adelaide, or via our telehealth online psychologist.

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