It’s in the ‘Simplicity’ of life that we feel true joy!

The more choices we have, the less likely we are to be content with our decision. In psychology, we refer to this as the ‘paradox of choice’ effect. Regardless of how certain we are about our decision, when we are faced with too many choices, we become less happy with what we have chosen. It’s during these times we ‘second-guess’ ourselves. We experience this in many facets of life – career options, purchasing decisions, menu choices, our spiritual path…

A wealth of choices makes finding contentment that much harder. Now before you get too overwhelmed…here’s a few ideas that may help:

  • Don’t scatter your seeds over many fields – give yourself fewer options.
  • Focus on what makes you happy, and do what gives meaning to your life.
  • Go within… meditate with intention. Ask your soul to guide you to where you need to be. When you have the answer… go forth without hesitation or doubt.

In the words of my grandmother Klara (now resting in heaven)… “It is the simplicity of my mind… and the simplicity of my life that has made me happy”.

With heart,

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