Near-death experiences (NDEs) are profound, life-altering events that occur when a person is close to death or has a close brush with death. NDEs have been reported during severe accidents, during surgeries, by those suffering various medical conditions, by dementia patients, and even those under anesthesia. 

During an NDE, a person may experience a range of physical and psychological sensations. Out-of-body experiences or encounters with spiritual figures are commonly reported during an NDE, with various associated feelings including deep unconditional love, peace, and happiness. Some describe the sensation as having “returned home.” In contrast, but more rarely reported, some NDE experiencers describe a hellish experience, with various levels of darkness and pain, often reflecting their life experience prior to the NDE.

Who Studies Near-Death Experiences?

Researchers and various health practitioners study and work with those that have experienced NDEs, particularly those in the fields of psychology and neuroscience. Psychologists are interested in studying NDEs to better understand how the brain works in states of extreme stress and to explore the effects of NDEs on psychological well-being. For example, they may investigate the psychological effects of NDEs and how to best help patients cope with them.

Neuroscientists are interested in studying NDEs to investigate the physical and neurological processes at work during an NDE. Anthropologists and sociologists may study NDEs from a cultural perspective, looking at how different cultures view and respond to them. Theologians and philosophers may be interested in exploring the spiritual and metaphysical implications of NDEs.

How Common Are Near-Death Experiences?

The answer to this question depends largely on who you ask. While scientific studies have found that NDEs are more common than people may think, the exact prevalence of these experiences is still difficult to determine.

One study examined the prevalence of NDEs in a general population. The researchers have found that 17% of individuals who have nearly died have been said to experience NDE. Other studies have found similar results, although have reported much lower rates.

It is also difficult to determine the exact prevalence of NDEs as some may not be comfortable discussing their experiences. Non-Western cultures may be less likely to report these experiences due to religious or cultural stigma, and people may be reluctant to share such personal experiences with researchers.

Have Near-Death Experiences Profoundly Changed People?

Many people who have had a near-death experience report feeling a profound sense of peace and well-being, as well as a heightened spiritual awareness. They also often report a feeling of being “taken away” from their body and into a different realm. After having a near-death experience, many people report that their lives have been profoundly changed.

These changes can include a greater appreciation for life, a more positive outlook on life and death, a stronger sense of purpose and meaning, and a greater sense of compassion and empathy for others. Some people also report an increased desire to help others and a greater understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.

Many people who have had a near-death experience also report a greater sense of connectedness to the divine or to a higher power. This can manifest itself in a variety of ways, including a more spiritual approach to life, increased faith, a greater understanding of the afterlife, and a stronger belief in the power of prayer.

Coping With Life After A Near-Death Experience?

It’s commonly reported that NDEs profoundly alter a person’s life afterwards. Many describe changes in career choice, attitude towards life and relationships. What once used to be important may no longer be e.g. change in attitude towards money or the work they do. Some move to a different city, become more involved in community service or enter helping professions. Some discontinue friendships they no longer consider worthy of having. Family and friends may not understand why the NDE experiencer is changing their life in the way they do. Some report not wanting to have returned to their bodies but were forced back to the earth plane to complete their mission / human experience. These life transitions can be difficult for the experiencer and their loved ones to understand and adjust.


While there is still much we don’t know about near-death experiences, there is no doubt that they can profoundly change people’s lives. For those who have experienced them, these changes can be powerful and life-altering. Regardless of the cause of these experiences, it is clear that they can have a profound and lasting impact on those who experience them.

Adelaide Psychology is a private psychology practice that works with experiencers and helps them adjust to life following an NDE. In-person sessions are available with an Adelaide Psychologist, or with an online psychologist via telehealth videoconference.

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