mental health checkin

Why Mental Health Check-Ins Matter:

Regular mental health check-ins, every 3-months, empower individuals to manage their mental health proactively, seek help when needed, and lead a more fulfilling life. They also allow for early detection of potential mental health concerns that warrant timely attention. Mental Health Check-Ins can help with:

  • Stress Management & Burnout: Manage stressors with relaxation techniques and boundaries.
  • Insight: Recognize feelings, moods, and thought patterns.
  • Early Detection: Identify mental health issues early for timely intervention (e.g. depression, anxiety, stress).
  • Emotional Regulation: Develop strategies to control intense emotions and prevent impulsive behaviours.
  • Intrusive Ruminating Worry Thoughts: Learn strategies to manage automatic intrusive thoughts and limit distress
  • Better Relationships: Improve communication and empathy.
  • Resilience Building: Develop proactive approaches to challenges.
  • Overall Well-Being: Prioritize mental health for a balanced and fulfilling life.

What’s Included in a Mental Health Check:

  • Pre-completion of psychological tests to assess your mental health status, for the psychologist to review.
  • A 20-30 minute consultation with a psychologist to review your results and discuss areas causing you concern.
  • Receive personalized strategies to help you cope with identified issues.
  • Evaluation to determine if further psychological treatment is necessary and discuss the next steps.

Cost: $99

In summary, a mental health check offers an evaluation of mental health and present concerns including depression, anxiety, and stress. Personalized guidance and potential avenues for psychological treatment are covered.

To schedule a Mental Health Check, click the button below and select “Mental Health Check” under appointment type.